by rgseliga | Nov 20, 2019
BonfireThis was a group project designing a board game. I worked with Danielle Shields and Kira Karboski. I designed the game pieces and the scenery. It was a rewarding expierence, and we worked together well. I feel that the group project helped me improve my...
by rgseliga | Nov 14, 2019
Zebra Illustration CollageThis is a Graphic Design 1 project, the goal of this project was to take one image or illustration and use it nine different ways. I chose to use marker, paper, and water color for this...
by rgseliga | Nov 14, 2019
BakeryThis is a type specimen poster, I used the typeface Bakery by Stereotype. I used it to create a bakery menu on a chalk board. This project was done for Graphic Design 1. This is one of my first projects using...
by rgseliga | Nov 14, 2019
Ashes Grow RosesThis project was to make a typography poster without using a computer. My inspiration for this project came from one of my favorite movies “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang”. One of the songs in the film is “The Roses of Success”, and...
by rgseliga | Nov 13, 2019
Animal InfographicThis is...
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