(570) 855-4589 seligaraeanne@gmail.com


BonfireThis was a group project designing a board game. I worked with Danielle Shields and Kira Karboski. I designed the game pieces and the scenery. It was a rewarding expierence, and we worked together well. I feel that the group project helped me improve my...


Zebra Illustration CollageThis is a Graphic Design 1 project, the goal of this project was to take one image or illustration and use it nine different ways. I chose to use marker, paper, and water color for this...


BakeryThis is a type specimen poster, I used the typeface Bakery by Stereotype. I used it to create a bakery menu on a chalk board. This project was done for Graphic Design 1. This is one of my first projects using...
Ashes Grow Roses

Ashes Grow Roses

Ashes Grow RosesThis project was to make a typography poster without using a computer. My inspiration for this project came from one of my favorite movies “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang”. One of the songs in the film is “The Roses of Success”, and...