(570) 855-4589 seligaraeanne@gmail.com


SelfThis artwork was created as a project for my Graphic Design 1 class. We have to make a list of adjectives that describe ourselves and use a limited color palette, only using tints and tones. I am proud of this project because I feel that it really represents me as...


PeaceThis art was created for a class project for Graphic Design 2. The goal of the project was to create a poster for a compeiton for Typography Day 2020, and the theme was local, global; the poster needed to have at least one letter form. I like to draw animals and...


Totem This art was created for a class project, the goal was to create a ablum cover of a song or recreate a album cover of a band. I chose to make a album cover for a song “Look Through My Eyes” by Phil Colins, for the movie “Brother Bear”. I...