by rgseliga | Nov 14, 2019
Bridget, Comic StripFor this project, I had to create a comic using the character I made, I chose to continue with the watercolor for the artwork. I chose to make a story of Bridget going to her house and then prepare a...
by rgseliga | Nov 14, 2019
Grazing, a Horse PrintThis is a print of a mother horse and her colt, this is a layered print. It is a reductive print, created by carving the image into...
by rgseliga | Nov 14, 2019
BridgetThis is a design for a character I had to create using a set of characteristcs, magical, fire, rebirth…… I chose to create a strong female character, she is a leader, a healer, and a witch. Her Phoenix, is her magical guide. I chose to use water...
by rgseliga | Nov 14, 2019
Zebra Illustration CollageThis is a Graphic Design 1 project, the goal of this project was to take one image or illustration and use it nine different ways. I chose to use marker, paper, and water color for this...
by rgseliga | Nov 14, 2019
Sarah, An Art Nouveau ProtraitThis project was inspired by the art nouveau movement and by an artist Alphonse Mucha. My goal was to paint a portrait of my friend Sarah with the soft colors and natural elements of the art nouveau...
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