UWGFL Banner

UWGFL Banner

UWGFL Tripod Banner Advertising the new Tripod on a banner used at Fishing shows and Conventions Title: UWGFL Tripod Banner Date: January 2022 Dimensions: 33in x 78in Medium: Photoshop  BACK TO...
UWGFL Monthly Ads

UWGFL Monthly Ads

Monthly Featured Ads Featured in the Galveston, TX based magazine, Tiki Paper, various 1/2 page and full page ads constructed for Underwater Green Fishing Lights, a locally owned and operated company. Title: UWGFL Featured Ads Date: 2020-2021 Dimensions: 1/2 page or...
Cradle of Aviation Brochure

Cradle of Aviation Brochure

Cradle of Aviation Brochure Title: Cradle of Aviation Brochure Date: Fall 2021 Dimensions: 8.5in x 11in Medium: Photoshop, illustrator, indesign BACK TO...
UWGFL Brochure

UWGFL Brochure

Underwater Green Fishing Lights Brochure An updated, printed brochure advertising all this fishing company has to offer and more.  Title: Underwater Green Fishing Lights Brochure Date: 2020 Dimensions: 8.5in x 11in Medium: Photoshop, indesign BACK TO...
Banner Ads

Banner Ads

Banner Ads For educational purposes on design, format, layout and programming of banner ads, two different sets of Target ads pair with a Gif.  Title: Banner Ads Date: Fall 2021 Dimensions: Various Medium: Adobe photoshop, animate, after effects BACK TO...